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A member registered Mar 26, 2021

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First, I don't want a perfect ending. I just want a way to use all the skills, relationships, and previous choices that I spent the meat of my time developing to actually have an effect, and yes ideally help me skirt at least some of the negative consequences of the story, even if I have to make morally gray options to get there. Otherwise the hero of the story can't actually be a hero, and we, the player, are just getting drug through one f*cked scenario after another with no real point, to any of the levelling up or relationship building with the other characters.

Ironically enough, I think it was Helayna's daydream of her and the hero turning the tables and dominating the twins that turned me onto the idea that that was where this game was going, as it seemed like foreshadowing, but I kept waiting for my heroic opportunity to strike back, turn the tables, or use my connections to lessen impact of my options even a little bit and it never came. 

So yeah, I like the goal/idea of allowing for the player to slowly turn the tables and gain the upper hand on his captors and potentially choosing to do the right thing or simply replace take his captors place as dark lord or whatever, as that seems much more interesting and dynamic than this 'damned if you do, cucked if you don't' excuse for torture porn, where all my preparations and connections mean diddly d*ck to the overall narrative.

In the end, I just wanted to state with my OG comment that this is a typical "dark fantasy" game, in that its just a poor excuse of a game made to showcase the most f*cked up, sadistic, and depressing scenarios, fetishes, and ideas that the author has crawling around in their mind.

Played this game a couple times through a while back, hoping to find a perfect/good playthrough, but I don't think that is in the author's vision for the game as I couldn't get through the game without my character either getting c*cked, abandoning his ideals, or his friends/country with seemingly no hope of ever turning the tables on his captors/tormentors.

I know that dark fantasy means that there is f*cked things going on, but I would still like to play as the idealized hero that can turn the tide and prevent or subvert disaster through my strength, charm,  and quick thinking. After several playthrough, I just don't think that is a possibility that will ever be implemented.

So yeah just more dark fantasy where the only real way to play is the bad/selfish guy who only looks out for himself or want to go on a power-trip. Which is a shame too, because I genuinely liked the art style and some of the characters, like the matron goblin merchant, the elf assistant, and some of the other minor characters.

(2 edits)

S4P S2 Prt 3 (9-12)

Episode 9: The Changeling’s Marriage - The episode opens with the visitor being revealed to be Garthor. After greetings and introductions are made between him and the MC’s ever expanding harem, Gathor explains that he needs that favor that the MC promised him in advance. It seems his family is in a bit of a crisis with him gone.

As the eldest son of his clan, Garthor was the de facto leader, but now that he has gone into hiding, there is a power vacuum within the clan. The main contender for the position is his little brother, Lushk, who has been drawn into marriage talks the last few days. While this wouldn’t normally be a problem, his brother was born rather weak and effeminate for an orc, and so to not bring shame to the clan he has been switched with a female cousin that was born exceedingly masculine.

Now if this replacement is discovered, the clan will be shamed far greater than if Lushk’s effeminate nature had been made known from the start and if neither his cousin’s marriage nor his brother’s marriage produce children their family will be seen as cursed and excised from Gorn. Therefore the favor that Garthor asks is two-fold: First, kidnap his little brother as he is still posing as his female cousin. Second, find some way to rub a Majorus potion on his cousin’s clit, so that she might grow a tool to please her wife on their wedding night that later she might “equip” the proper tools to bear the clan with children.

Obviously the MC pushes back on the idea of infiltrating an orc clan compound in order to kidnap one of their “women” and finger bang one of their “men”, but Garthor entices him further by saying that he pulled some strings and got something he knew that the MC wanted. At a snap from his fingers, Pamela, the centaur merchant from Gorn, walks in. 

Apparently Garthor, using some of his old connections in Gorn, was able to buy Pamela’s debt and is offering her as additional compensation since he heard about the lengths the MC had gone to save her before. The MC, still unsure of what he should do, asks what should be done with Garthor’s brother if and when the kidnapping is a success. Garthor responds to do whatever he likes short of killing him, as even though he still cares for his little brother, he would rather he be used as the MC’s fluffer than be found out and killed or broken by whatever orc man he was married off to.

As you can guess, the majority of the episode has the MC attending the engagement talks, and absurd hilarity ensues as the MC goes about his awkward task of kidnapping a fem-boy orc “princess” and fingering a butch female orc posing as a prominent male warrior without anyone noticing.

The episode ends with a party back at Wimborn to celebrate the successful mission. There Garthor reveals that since his brother has been raised as a girl, Lushk was taught all about how to please “her” husband. He also notes that Lushk seemed rather infatuated with the MC on account of how clingy his brother had become toward his recuser. At this revelation, the definitely straight MC starts to question himself in the face of the orc boy’s charms. The more he debates with himself, the more he drinks to ease his nerves which are frayed even more by the femboy orc’s increasingly sexual advances. The episode eventually ends with the MC waking up in bed beside his newest harem member, in disbelief at what he had done.

(Sorry for all those, who may not like femboys, but I literally couldn't think of another story that ties in an orc character than the one I had in my head that is based off a on old Japanese book that was mentioned in an anime.)

Episode 10: A Gornish Delight - The episode opens with the MC exiting his room, to find Garthor suited up and about to leave after spending the night to ensure that his brother was “taken care of” by the MC. As he leaves he mentions that Pamela should arrive, ready to serve him, in about a week, as that will give her time to finish her business in Gorn and give the MC the time he will need to build some stables to house her. (Sorry to keep kicking that romance down the road) Lastly, he mentions that he might have finally found the lead he needs to discover where Hade went and will deliver anything he finds as soon as possible.

Finding himself with nothing better to do today, the MC lazes around the mansion with nothing to do. Soon he is joined by Anise, Tisha, and Emily, who, even at this early hour, had already finished their morning tasks, and Tisha, in particular, voices her concern about having another “man” in the house worrying what might happen if the mood to sample her or her sister should come upon Lushk.

The MC tries to reassure them that even if Lushk tried anything that many of them, especially the beast and half-kin girls, could easily dominate the frail boy and that his “size” was nothing to be afraid of. Still Tisha was unconvinced, when Yris comes down and mentions special enchanted chastity belts, made in Gorn, that effectively kills any pleasure a male might take from his dangly bits. With this new information, the MC has his goal for the day.

The only problem being that he just kidnapped his newest harem member from one of the most prominent orc clans in Gorn, so even if they secretly supported the kidnapping they would have to make at least a superficial bid to find the culprit, making Gorn the worst place to do business right now. The MC thinks about leaving Lushk behind, but there was no conceivable way he could realistically buy a generic version of such an intimate item. Finally, the two set off to try and get the chastity belt.

At first everything goes smoothly with no one recognizing either of them, but as soon as he mentions the chastity belt to a store owner, he raises the alarm by calling for guards. It seems that the news of a foreigner stealing away their women had riled up the populace of Gorn beyond anything Garthor’s clan could downplay or control.

After running around all morning, the MC and Lushk decide to find shelter in Ayda’s shop. While at first Ayda doesn’t want to get involved and actively tries to force them out as she thinks he kidnapped Lushk proclaiming him just another lust-filled r*pey slaver, through the chaos the MC explains that he was hired to kidnap Lushk by his brother and not out of his own interests. With that realization out of the way Ayda relents and agrees to hide the pair until nightfall.

With that out of the way, the MC asks Ayda about the special chastity belts he was after. Ayda reveals herself to be the one that makes them, but that it is exceedingly expensive. The MC asks if there is any way to work the price down, and she says that if he could use his connections to get her favorite Ice Brandy and an old book that she was looking for then she would reduce the price in half. With nothing better to do and the guards only alert for a human with a female orc in tow, the MC decides to go searching for said items.

As the MC goes to leave, Ayda’s beastkin bunny assistant stops him and mentions that the item he is buying is deliberately overpriced, for ethical concerns, and that since Ayda seems to like the MC, he could get the edge in negotiations if he bought an elven necklace similar to the one Ayda lost recently. With that in mind. The MC checks all the local shops in Gorn and learns that the Ice Brady is an exclusive and rare export from Frostford and that his best bet for finding any tomes related to magics that are not being hoarded by the mages guild is in Umbra.

The episode ends with the MC returning to the guild in order to use the teleport function.

Episode 11: Favors and Families - After having found the Ice Brandy in Frostford and the book in Umbra without issue, the MC starts asking around Amberguard about the elven necklace he is looking for to no success, since the clan of dark elves that the necklaces came from have been gone from Amberguard for a while. This is when he happens to spot the old dark elf shaman, Shuriya, and after a brief conversation with the old wise woman, she tells him that she may know where the dark elves he is looking for went but asks for an escort back to her hut, in exchange for the information.

Obviously, the MC complies, and upon reaching the hut, the MC asks for the information on the dark elven tribe. The old shaman tells him he is looking at the last of that tribe and nonchalantly tosses him one of the necklaces he was looking for. Apparently, Shuriya is Ayda’s estranged grandmother, and had been expecting her to come get a replacement necklace after she mentioned losing the last one in her letters. As he is about to leave, the old shaman hands him a bundle of small jars, each with a strange orb suspended in liquid essence, and asks that he deliver it to Ayda.

With a hop skip and a stroll back to Gorn the MC, delivers the book, brandy, necklace, and the jars of orbs all to varying effects, though strangely enough it's the orb jars that finally sways her to offer the belt at a reasonable price. With it approaching dusk, the MC and Lushk go to leave, but Ayda stops them by offering them a drink of the Ice Brady. Cut to black.

The MC wakes up on a sleeping mat, presumably in the back of Ayda’s shop, with Lushk cuddling under one arm, and Ayda under the other. In addition to bed companions, there is an empty bottle of Ice Brandy at the head of the sleeping mat near Ayda and an orb jar near lushk’s feet. Not knowing why he blacked out drunk over so little of the brandy or how got into this situation, the MC decides it best to get out while Ayda was sleeping, so wakes up Lushk in order to leave.

Though as he is about to leave, he looks back at Ayda’s half naked body laying half off the sleeping mat surrounded by bottles. A brief scene of Ayda waking up in the morning shows the MC tidied up the mess then rolled Ayda squarely onto the sleeping mat and draped the cover over her.

The second half of the episode picks up with the MC and Lushk returning home at the crack of dawn, and some SoL end of season wrap-up stuff happens and we get to see how all the new harem members (The goblin twins, Grace, Cleo, Nina, Saige, and Hon) are getting along in their new home and what roles they are playing in the household.

Anyway the episode ends with Garthor breathlessly  arriving and handing the MC the dragon nest teleportation stone.

Episode 12: A new threat - The episode opens with the MC walking through the dragon nests, and we are treated to a flashback of Garthor explaining how he was certain that this was the place that Hade and Melissa teleported to after the incident at the mages guild.

Suddenly, the MC hears someone approaching, and decides to duck for cover. Soon enough the approaching person reveals themselves to be some rag-wearing wretch of a woman carrying a clutch of eggs and being pursued by dragon hatchlings. When it is clear that the woman would not escape unscathed, the MC steps in and kills the hatchlings.

Only on his approach, does the MC recognize the disheveled wreck to be Hade’s sister, Melissa. Oddly enough she doesn’t fight the MC when he threatens to kill her, and in fact bitterly welcomes it. The MC realizes he isn’t dealing with the same woman that came to Hades rescue almost half a year ago. No, this was someone completely different, covered in bruises, bleeding from various cuts, and slightly malnourished.

By this time, the beetroot red sprain on her ankle and inability to walk became obvious, so the MC asks if there was anywhere safe he could take her and she gestures toward a cave on a nearby cliff face. Once in the cave, the MC builds a fire, cooks the fresh dragon eggs that Melissa was carrying, and bandages her ankle. After the level of trust that the MC won’t simply kill her is established, he asks for her side of the events in S1 and what she had been doing thus far.

Long story short, her brother Hade got involved with a cult and sold his soul to a interdimensional “demon lord”, and all of her actions in S1, from buying all of the books from the MC to kidnapping and extracting mana essence from maple, was all done in order to hopefully lift the hate-filled mind control the demon placed on her brother. After she saved Hade from the MC at the mages guild, they tried to seek refuge within the cult that worships the demon lord, but the price of Hade’s failure was his life and so again they ran. With nowhere left to go with all the other teleporters under mage guild control, Melissa and Hade had to try and survive out here in the dragon nests.

When asked where her brother was, she feebly gestures with her head toward the back of the cave. The MC gets up and walks to the back of the cave to find a curtain made from ragged stain cloth behind which was a primitive headstone with the name “Hade” marked out in charcoal. 

With Hade dead, his escape being kept a secret by the mages guild, and Melissa’s involvement in her brother’s evil deed being minimal there was no reason she couldn’t come back albeit with some consequence. After the MC sits back down to talk with Melissa, she agrees to be taken back to the mages guild and accept whatever punishment they deem fitting.

The second half of the episode would detail Melissa undergoing a trial by the mages guild council, and have Melissa explaining her actions as well as the cult’s attempts at kidnapping people. Essentially their goal is to gather and feed the demon lord all essence on the planet starting the sapient and most magical races. She explains that if they can’t take them back to the dragon nests directly they would gather magic essence and souls (shadow-men) from forcing the entranced to f*ck and once that has been harvested the bestial essences in their bodies is condensed into oozes and magic mutants and then all of it is fed to the demon lord.

In the end the council decide that Melissa was ultimately guiltless in Hade’s crimes, outside of saving him, and decide such a talented mage is too valuable to waste. So they enslave her and give her as a reward for all he has done and task him with finding and defeating this demon lord.

The season ends with Melissa outlining that it would take an heavily coordinated and elite strike force to hold off the dragons, dealing with the hundreds of cultists and entranced, all while another group goes to face the demon lord, and the MC responds with something along the lines of “don’t worry. we got this.” as he opens the door to his mansion to reveal his waiting harem plus soon to be members like Ayda, Minerva (the demoness brothel owner), and Pamela.

Well that finishes what I imagine what S2 of a S4P H'anime would look like. I will say that my idea for S3 (if I end up writing it) would be focused around the MC getting a member of the missing races (Arachna, Beast/Half-kin Tanuki, Dragon kin, Lamia, Harpy, Neried, Seraph, and Slime) in his harem, as well as giving the existing girls specializations, classes, or combat roles in preparation for the final raid. The season would then finish with the last three episodes dedicated to the raid on the demon lord's lair. 

Though tbh, I don't know why I would bother writing out something no one seems to read. Then again I really want to write out my ideas for the MC getting an entire tanuki family (Beast-kin mom, Half-kin daughter, and cucked beast-kin husband) as slaves, saving a bunch of monster girls i.e Harpy, Lamia, Neried from an abusive circus and/or hatchery, and I already setup the idea of Lushk implanting a slime "egg" and getting "pregnant" with the MC's Gay-by.

(2 edits)

S4P S2 Part2 Episodes (5-8) 

*I forgot to mention this previously, but even though Ayda is a tribal elf in the final official update it doesn't make sense to have two tribal elves (the other is Ivran post sex change). So creative freedom excuse engage! Ayda, for the purposes of this creative writing exercise is now a Dark Elf. Plus it fits with her being a magic researcher to be one of the more magical races. Anyway back to the creative writing.* 

Episode 5: Coliseums and Cultists - The episode picks up following entranced Pamela into an old abandoned coliseum. Again this leads to Pamela and a lot of the more magically inclined species of Gorn, mostly goblins since orcs are not very magically inclined, being entranced and gathering around some weird robed cultists. The only difference this time is that a lot of the entranced goblins were rutting like dogs in the streets and many of them looked on the verge of collapsing. Running out to confront the cultists before he had to witness the soft spoken centaur have a goblin train run on her, the MC found that the cultists were not alone this time, as they had brought some dragon fledglings. Still with the two agile goblin girls to keep the infantile dragons busy the MC was able to maim and corner the cultists, except again rather than be captured they invoked a magic spell that not only kills them and sends their black souls flying off to who know where but it also converts the bodies of the entranced goblins that were mid-coitus into Ooze monsters.

The fighting ultimately concludes with the MC saving the two goblin girls from the ooze monster’s inquisitive tentacles. Once that is done someone from the guild finally shows up, and the MC debriefs them on what just happened. Pamela thanks the MC and offers them a discount at her stall (chill it's gonna happen), and the MC and goblin girls go back to the queen to tell her what happened. After relating everything that happened, the queen offers the two goblin guards, who are the queen’s favorite twin daughters, as the MC’s reward, and even insists that the MC consummate their relationship overnight. (Insert twin threesome scene)

After that night of fun, the MC returns to his Mansion in Wimborn to drop his two new slaves off, and is about to head out to see about Frostford’s pending request, when Zoe asks to come along. Seeing no reason to deny her request, the episode ends with the MC and Zoe hopping into the portal for Frostford.

Episode 6: What sleeps beneath the mountains - Upon arriving in Frostford, the place is deserted, even considering how little activity there normally was thanks to the piercing cold. The MC hurries to the town hall to find that Theron, though pleased to see his daughter safe and happy, isn’t pleased. It seems that a lot of the lumberjacks, miners, guards, and other workers, mostly half kin, that had kept the town alive have all gone missing with the only clue that some of them were seen heading out the north gate and up into the mountains. Theron also mentions to Zoe that her two childhood friends, a beastkin fox girl named Grace and a calico halfkin cat girl with heterochromia named Cleo, were among the last to disappear.

So heading out the pair notice how quiet everything is with even the birds seeming to have gone missing. Heading up the mountain, they find and enter a cave and are immediately set upon by giant Spiders. After defeating about half a score of spiders, they head deeper into the cave with Zoe voicing that the spiders were acting more desperate and aggressive than any she had seen.

With that obvious foreshadowing out of the way, they head deeper and find more cultist with an orgy of entranced halfkin villagers f*cking all around them. Before they move to act they observe some of the entranced people climax, then die and release a shadow version of themselves, and then have their bodies be reduced to a gray blob that merges with other blobs to form a mutant similar in kind to what the MC had fought in the underground ruins. This disturbing fact gives the MC and Zoe pause until Zoe spots her two female childhood friends entranced and going down on each other.

With Zoe providing heals and support with bandages and magic, the MC is barely able to kill the magic mutants and corner the cultists, who again sacrifice themselves to release their shadowy souls. Though nothing additional came of their deaths as it had in Gorn, inspecting the ice cave that they were in revealed something more disturbing and potentially destructive, though, a full frozen frost dragon. It seemed that the cultists were attempting to awaken the frost dragon for some unknown end, and had run the nest of cave spiders that the MC and Zoe dispatched at the mouth of the cave to the surface.

In the aftermath, the MC is approached by Zoe and her two friends, who after thanking the MC, explain that they both lost the means to live in frostford with their families and finances now dead and will in all likelihood either become slaves or prostitutes. With that in mind they both would like for the MC to take them in, so that they could be with Zoe. After the MC hesitates with his mansion filling up with mistresses, Zoe softly but firmly tells the MC that he will take them as his slaves.

Later that night back at the mansion, the three friends ambush the MC in his room and work together to dominate and use him for their pleasure as they each egg the others on to more and more lewd extremes of fem-dom. The fun ends when Grace pulls out a strap-on and the MC has to forcibly extricate himself from their clutches in order to avoid what was to come.

Episode 7: Floatsam and Jetsam by the sea - After a night back at home, the MC is awoken to someone knocking at his front door. He goes to find it to be Ayda, who says that she was tasked with investigating what the cultists in Gorn were doing. After hearing that the MC was involved with it and similar incidents in Wimborn and Frostford, she has come to verify the details of the incidents. He relays how its only unbranded members of the most magically sensitive races that are entranced, and relays that once entrance they are led away to copulate until they die and are used to make monsters like the shadow-men, ooze monsters, and mutants he had faced thus far.

Ayda thinks for a minute and suggests that they might be harvesting spirit essence by separating people from their very souls and using the beast essence left in the bodies to make the monsters. She mentions that they seem to be targeting places with a high level of essence, but now they have no way of knowing where they might strike next. After Chloe overhears this, she suggests that you use a device she had made earlier to measure the relative essence of an area.

After this the MC decides to try out this, essence sextant, as he accompanies Ayda back to her shop in Gorn. On the way, the MC tests how it works with a little lever raising and lowering according to how much essence is in the area that the sextant is pointing. The trip proceeds as normal, until the sextant indicates that further eastward, toward the sea coast, there was a strong signal of essence. Without hesitation Ayda and the MC head off toward the sea.

The sextant takes them down the coastal cliffs and ultimately toward a sea cave. Soon after entering this cave, they are set upon by giant crabs. After killing a few crabs, they continue on until they find what was becoming an all too familiar sight to the MC, a cult performing rituals as an orgy goes on around them. This time there were travelers of all sorts of races as well several Nereid men and women, though the center of this orgy was a young child-sized scylla girl whose long tentacles were being used for the pleasure of both men and women alike.

Just as the MC starts explaining the strategy of him tanking the hostels and Ayda healing him, her eyes glaze over with a blue glow and she starts to walk toward the cultists and entranced travelers. Now in order to protect his companion from being violated, he has to defend her from the entranced travelers’ advances. The tide eventually turns and the MC is unable to keep Ayda separated from the entranced men.

Eventually he makes his play to kill the cultists before anything too bad can happen to Ayda. Somehow he is able to rush through the crowd and the tentacles of the Scylla girl and kill the cultist before they could kill themselves. While the entranced men had ripped her clothes to a state of tasteful nudity, they hadn’t yet penetrated her by the time the entrancement stopped.

While everyone was safe and responsive, most of them were too exhausted to move let alone leave, so the MC decides to leave Ayda here as he goes to get help. Before they could leave however the Scylla girl clung to him and refused to let go. Ayda then informs the MC that the effects of the entrancement on the Scylla seems to be similar to one of the Elixir of Regression that she sells at her shop, meaning that the girl has the mental faculties of a child and has imprinted on the first parental figure that they see, in this case it's the MC. After the MC mentions that he isn’t into having kids as a slave, Ayda informs him that a Scylla’s age is shown in the length of its tentacles and that this Scylla was very much an adult.

With Ayda’s help, the MC pries away the Scylla girl in order to allow himself to go and get some help from one of the villages that they passed through. The episode ends with the MC leaving the cave to go and get help.

Episode 8: Bunny Village - As the MC makes his way back toward the village across the river from Wimborn that lay on the edge of the prairies, he hears a commotion ahead. There are a number of bandits encircling an adult beastkin bunny and presumably her halfkin daughter. Looking closely the MC recognises some of the bandits as the ones that had robbed him of his belongings when he first arrived at Wimborn. So not out of concern for the two hapless bunnies, the MC decides to get some plain revenge on the bandits that had victimized him in the past.

After he is done dishing out punishments to the bandits, the MC approaches the white-furred rabbits. After thanking him profusely, the beastkin lady introduces herself as Saige, and her daughter as Hon, though everyone calls her Rosie. After the MC introduces himself, the mother, Saige, asks if he is the person that stopped the attack on the mages guild, and after he confirms it, the daughter becomes enamored with him being relatively famous after the incident.

Anyway after this the MC tells them their situation and how they need help to retrieve those he left in the sea caves. At first no one believes the MC, but with the testimony of Saige and Rosie, he is able to get many of the townsfolk to help. Though the process of hauling the unconscious or injured back to town took the remainder of the day.

With night falling, Saige offers the MC, Ayda, and the yet named scylla girl a place to stay for the night. After having dinner, bath, and change of clothes Ayda is the first to go to bed followed soon after by the Scylla girl and Rosie who spent the last few hours playing like sisters. It's now that Saige takes the MC aside to ask a favor of him. 

Apparently after seeing how happy the teenage Rosie was playing with her “little sister” and hearing of how the MC plans to raise the little amnesiatic Scylla, Saige asks that the MC also take Hon with him.  The MC, puzzled by this request, ask the reason she would willingly give her beloved daughter away to a slave owner. Her response is that she is struggling to feed the both of them, thanks to having been widowed relatively young, and that Rosie has had to basically grow up alone with her being gone to forage all the time. She says the idea of selling her daughter to save her from what she assumes is a miserable life with little future, had occurred to her, but there was never anyone she felt she could trust until now.

Rosie, apparently not asleep yet, overhears from the other room and interjects her protest saying that she will not leave her mom alone. After some argument between the two Saige voices that she should be too picky, since she would likely never find someone willing to take them both. This is when the MC, matter-of-factly, butts in to mention how with the mother’s “assets” and kind demeanor she could likely get any man to take her. With this the energetic Rosie, presses the MC to take her mom too.

After the MC relents and says that they will have to wait a few days for him to drop Ayda off at her store for him to come back to retrieve them. With that Rosie goes back to bed, and the MC and Saige are left alone, both aware that there is mutual attraction now. Saige breaks the silence by asking if he honestly finds her fat “assets” attractive as she wiggles her thicc rabbit rump.

 Cut to the two of them going at it ... well … like rabbits, and we see a shot of a now awake Ayda, who had been sleeping on a mat on the floor, being forced to listen to their carnal noises. It seems that even the serious, clinical, if not, frigid woman had a surprisingly maidenly reaction when it comes to sexual matters. It would be hours before the two separated, and Ayda simply endured every second of it, unable to go to sleep and too embarrassed to leave or ask them to be quiet.

In the morning, the MC escorts a very distant, curt, and tired Ayda back to her store, and it was late afternoon by the time he arrived home with his two new companions. After introductions are made, Alise tells the MC that he has had a visitor that has come calling for him the last couple of days. The episode ends before we see who.

Anyway S2 Prt 3 (9-12) some time soon I hope, but don't hold your breath. Not that anyone reads this stuff. So far Prt 3 should see the acquisition of a Femboy Orc (sorry its for the meme), Slime (Orc and MC's gayby), Melissa (she is back), and potentially Pamela. It will also give some explanation as to the cult that has appeared all season, its interdimensional alien overlord/ true final boss of the game, and their previous connection to Hade.

(3 edits)

Alright, I have been working on what a S2 of a S4P anime would look like. I have been working on this episode list/breakdown off and on for a while, and decided that instead of waiting for the full 12 episode, I was gonna go ahead and post the first four episode ideas so that its not all one post that people have reply to and I can continue to work on the rest while getting some feedback.

Episode 1: A day to sleep in - As with most S2 anime intro episodes, the MC takes a day off to reminisce on his achievements and relationships with each of the members of his slave harem from the last season, though at the end he discovers something very strange while walking around Wimborn, the attractive demoness madam he had seen around the red light district walking  around in a strange trance. Obviously he decides to investigate.

Episode 2: An Occult Conspiracy - After finding the demoness madam just wandering the streets of Wimborn in a trance, the MC decides to follow her. She inevitably leads him through the slums and into the sewers. Upon entering the sewers, the MC is beset by a couple of shadow creatures. After killing the shadow-men and catching back up to the entrance madam, the MC is led to a cult performing some type of ritual. 

From the arrangement of people, it seems this ritual has been entrancing magically responsive, non-branded people from all around the city, mostly elves and demons. Upon confrontation, the cultists attempt to fight back, but fail dramatically. In their desperation, they kill themselves with strange magic that causes their bodies to crumble and their souls flee and escape as shadow people. Their deaths, while disturbing, releases the citizen from their entrancement. After a quick explanation they all head up the surface, where the MC gives an explanation to a responding mages guild representative. Afterwards, the MC is approached by the demoness madam for a “reward”.

Episode 3: Friends in Low Places - After a night of hedonistic love-making with the experience madam, she confides in the MC that the Brothel, which specializes in the exotic and strange (mostly elves at the moment), hasn’t been working out so well. the MC offers to bankroll the brothel using the majority of the reward he received from saving the mages order from hade, in exchange for a co-owner position (among other positions). and agrees to send any of his attractive or unique slaves to work at her brothel.   

Upon arriving home, the MC is informed that he received some seemingly urgent letters from Garthor, the Frostford guild, and the guild in Gorn. From the letters it seems that Garthor wants to meet with you in Umbra, the Gorn guild is demanding your immediate presence, and lastly the Frostford guild needs you to investigate some mountain caves in relation to some disappearances. the MC ultimately decides to teleport into Umbra and speak to Garthor, and then to report to the guild in gorn, saving the frostford request for later.

After arriving in Umbra, the MC heads to the dive-bar that Garthor said to meet him. It seems that now that his connection to hade has been discovered in Gorn, Garthor has to hide here in umbra, for fear of the guild and his clan losing face. That is when he offers the MC a deal. In exchange for a favor, Garthor will use his contacts in Umbra to try and track down where Hade and Melissa went. The MC seeing no real disadvantage accepts, and we end the episode with him walking into the Gorn guildhall and being confronted by two tribal goblin girls.

Episode 4: Tribal Goblins - As he walks into the gorn guildhall the MC is apprehended by two goblin twins wearing loinclothes and covers with white tribal tattoos on their bodies. After quickly overpoweringly the meek little warriors, he asks the guild rep why was he summoned and why were they clinging to him. As best that guild rep could translate, their queen wanted an audience with him in the mountain caves, and these two have been harassing the guild rep for the last few week to summon the MC.

So with everything explained, the MC and the two goblin girls head up to the mountain caves where they lead him to the hidden grotto within the caves that served as their tribe’s central hub. Once there he is hauled before the queen who explains that they witnessed the MC rescuing Ayda, and assume that he is no friend of the “purple-eyed man”. Assuming she was talking about Hade, yes. The queen then asks that he perform a favor for the goblins and be rewarded. After asking what sort of favor, the queen tells the MC that the Hade’s men were kidnapping as many goblins as they could catch and hauling them down the mountain to gorn, hence their hostility to outsiders despite their obvious intelligence. The queen asks that the MC, with the assistance of her daughters that guided him here, investigate what happened to goblins that hade has been taking for years.

Not knowing where to start, the MC and the girls go back to gorn and start asking around, after getting no leads merek is ready to go home when he spots Pamela, the centaur merchant from the market, entranced like he had seen the demoness. With that the episode ends as they start tailing the entranced centaur lady.

Like I said in the first post I kind of have to take some creative freedoms in order to writing this, so I am open to any input, ideas, and  fair criticism. Who knows when the next time I will get around to writing, so don't wait on abated breath for the second part of S2 anytime soon.

I get that, but I had the idea and went and wrote out the episode outlines and wanted to share it, despite the infeasibility of it ever happening. Plus I also kinda wanted to get some ideas from the community for how to introduce new characters/slaves/harem members. I mean I can't be the only one that makes up backstories, tie-ins, and stuff for some of my slaves.

Also while you are here, how lore breaking would it be to have the escalation of hade's insanity (and weird purple glowing eyes) explained away on account of him being possessed/influenced by the alien monster that serves as the games real final boss? Cause I have become really attached to the idea.

If I ever learn to mod the game, I plan on making a mod that makes it so that upon entering the Dragon nests you find Melissa grieving over hade's body, and after explaining the she hadn't been trying to save him from the possession, she joins you, presuming that you even allowed them to leave in the first place.

Anyway thanks for the awesome game!

I figure Strive for Power would be a good enough title, but it wouldn't hurt to suggest another if you got any better ideas for the show/episodes titles.

I don't know why this game lives rent free in my brain, but a thought came up that this game could be perfectly adapted into a 12 episode hentai/anime or H'anime. (I don't know anything about conquest, so I can't speak to that. I also don't run any mods, so don't expect me to know anything about them either.)

Here is how I figured the first season would go episode by episode:

Episode 1: Welcome to Wimborn - You are ambushed on you way to the city and arrive at the city with nothing only to find that your inheritance from your late uncle consists only of Alise [the halfkin fox guide girl/Starting Servant (SS)] and a poorly kept manor house. You and Alise sort through everything in order to sell some of it off to the mages guild for spending money. Alise accidently drops a potion right before you go to sell the stuff off. Once at the guild the only one who seems to want the stuff is a lowly guild member named Melissa. Seeing no harm in selling off the dusty tomes of your uncle, you take the deal. Upon returning home Alise is h0rny and it plays out like in the SS scenes.

Episode 2: Hale and Hearty - Follows the side quests related to the Hale Sisters. Both are recruited in the "good" way, though for consistencies sake might be better to have Trisha abducted and held in Wimborn so its all nice and local. 

Episode 3: Cali and Chloe - Follows Cali and Chloe’s side quests. Its starts out following Cali's side quest to reunite her with her family, but instead of going to the village only to fight bandits and return to wimborn and fight more bandits, you simply climb the chain of command starting at wimborn then hit the big forest hideout that tells you the general area where Cali came from. Also in this camp are Chloe (since she was running around the forest anyway and Tia). You drop Cali off with her parents and she rejoins you later, and then you focus on helping Chloe and doing her side quests. I don't really know what to do with Tia, but maybe helping her helps you in the future somehow?

Episode 4: Ingredient gathering - This and episode 6 are the only episode that didn't write themselves and required creative liberties. Instead of having the MC actively work with Melissa by giving her a fairy (presumably so she can get magic essence) and a taurus girl fit for milking, I had the idea that Melissa has the MC off getting all the ingredients to prepare the Taurus girl herself and requisitions Maple be assigned to her. Kida filler, but it is explained that melissa only gets these ideas from the books you sold her.

Episode 5: The Dark Side of Gorn - Follows the main quest of same name and results in you sending chloe to assist Ayda. I figure Ivran's female name should be something similar like Iveranne or something. Also while you staying in gorn a certain beastkin cat woman challenges you in the bar and by the end of the episode you recruit her same as in game.

Episode 6: The Raid on the Farm - Like I said creative liberties. After Maple goes missing from the slavers guild, the MC gets wind of illegal/shady activity in an old farmhouse outside of town and decides to investigate. Once there he finds and rescues maple and a taurus girl who are being used to produce milk and magic essence. After which both are placed in your care.

Episode 7: To Amberguard - Follows the main quest related to Amberguard (So the Drow are Twilight?) and the recruitment of Ayneris up until the investigation of the underground city. Instead of wanting two elven slaves for keeps she just wants to watch how the other kinds of elves get down and dirty and Ivranne and Ayneris are in your possession so ... Smexy Time! with a hint of voyeurism.

Episode 8: The Lost City - Follows the MC’s Exploration of the underground city. Standard Action-adventure episode with exposition about history and lost knowledge and foreshadowing tossed in.

Episode 9: Trouble in Frostford - Follows the main quest of the same name with Zoe and the Spriggan girl (can't be bothered to think of a name right now) being recruited.

Episode 10: The Southern Treason prt1 - Follows the first half of the final main quest. Finishes after you spare Gorthor.

Episode 11: The Southern Treason prt2 - Finishes with Hade and Melissa escaping after Melissa threatens Alise with a knife.

Episode 12: Aftermath - Mage guild exposition that leads into the plot of S2 and recruitment and befriending of Ayda.

The reason I let Melissa get away is cause I have an idea of how to redeem her (and posthumous to hade to some extent) while tying into the mysterious alien final boss. Though such ideas would only be explored in the second and third seasons that I am also writing up ideas for. Ultimately, the goal is to have the MC collect a harem that is representative of all the races and then face the final boss in the show's finale.

If you can think of episodic stories that ultimately conclude with the recruitment of the following races that are unaccounted for in the base game: Arachna, Beastkin Bunny, Beastkin Fox, Beastkin Tanuki, Centaur, Demon, Dragonkin, Goblin, Halfkin Bunny, Halfkin Cat, Halfkin Tanuki, Harpy, Lamia, Nereid, Orc, Scylla, Seraph, and Slime, then feel free to share. Heck even just character archetype ideas could help.

Though I will say that I already have an idea behind a lot of them already like the Arachna, Centaur, Demon, Goblin, Harpy, Lamia, Nereid, Scylla, and Slime are already an integral part to the going story of S2 and I already have an episodic story for the Orc slot, so I am sorry if I ultimately ignore your idea and use mine in this hypothetical anime adaptation of an indie hentai game. 

So what do you think? does this sound good or nah? Is there any mods that could fit nicely into this story?

(1 edit)

Thank you Leonais and AK|Phantom for your time and critiques of my idea. I am sorry that I didn't thank you or even respond since its been nearly a year. So I would like to say thank you, and that I am back with more ideas to annoy you with and didn't want to edit my original post. 

- First I would like like to expand on the Amberguard Enchanter idea. I think there should be three options to Enchant, Disenchant, & Solidify Mana. There should also be an assignable job called "A - Enchanter Assistant" that lowers the required time it takes to enchant an item, and allows the player to disenchant or solidify mana while an item is being enchanted.

With the enchant functionality, you can enchant an item with a compatible enchantment for the price of 100 mana, 2000 gold, and 5-10 days. You are only able to have that item enchanted with a single level of that enchantment at a time i.e. adding +1 speed to a dagger or changing a +1 speed dagger to a +2 speed dagger. With the disenchant function you can have enchanted items disenchanted for 100 gold and receive the base item and 1 magic essence per enchantment level i.e. disenchanting a +4 speed dagger yields the base dagger and 4 magic essence however the process takes a day. With the solidfy mana function, you can solidify your mana into magic essence at a conversion rate of 100 mana per 1 magic essence.

I liked Leonais's idea of having the gardener job generate alchemy ingredients like nature essence.

Now onto the new stuff.

- Muscular Versions of all the boob and butt sizes. (muscular_small, muscular_average, muscular_big, muscular_huge) I have no idea how this would be acquired in game though, but I want a strong orc mommy with big firm tits and ass.

- Assignable Stables/Stablehand Job/Recruitable Wolves & Horses - This allows you to assign submissive people or animals to live in the stables after the upgrade is purchased. By necessity that means that you also need someone to clean said stables with the stablehand job, and the ability to recruit actual wolves and horses (maybe cougars and oozes too?) of both male and female varieties. 

This would allow those who just want BDSM dog/horse slaves to have that and allow for those that want the beastiality aspect to it. If you want neither I guess you could assign the uncivilized races to the stables. Catchable horses should be added to the plains.  Since it might be weird to sell horses/dogs to a slavers guild maybe add a city stable or butcher to sell them to. With this system you could also allow for beastial pregnancy with horses yielding centaurs and wolves and cougars yielding beastkin, and maybe oozes could yield slimes. There could also be an event where you catch the stable hand having a go with the stable occupants.

- Singing Lessons Job/Pretty Voice Trait Aquisition - After assigning this "job" to a slave, where you pay 50 gold each day for the chance of them to learning the pretty voice trait. (chance goes up mostly with consecutive days of training, but minorly with the slaves charm stat.)

- Librarian Job/Clever Trait Aquisition - You can now assign a slave to maintain and enhance the learning points earned from the mansion's library. Also a fully upgraded library should now gives slaves assigned to it a small chance for them to learn the clever trait. (chance goes up mostly with consecutive days of training and having a librarian assigned, but minorly with the slaves wit stat.)

- Forge Mansion Upgrade/Blacksmith Job - Allows you to make basic weapons and armors from materials. At first you should only be able to make daggers, shortswords, and leather armor, but you should be able to buy designs from the city merchants to make other weapons like chainmail from wimborn or elven swords/elven chainmail/wizard robes from amberguard or Warhammers/Claymores from Gorn. This process would mostly take up the time of your assigned slave, but refined metals and animal hides would need to also be added to merchants, chests, and encounters.

In the interest of adding more disparity and uniqueness between races, I thought it would also be a good idea to add some additional racial bonuses for each race. Here is what I came up with.

Arachna - 50% chance to automatically capture escaping slave. Stacks with trapper.

Beastkin Bunny - Forage is 20% more effective.

Beastkin Cat - When Loyalty is above 80 gives +30 obedience and +5 loyalty to any uncivilized slaves.

Beastkin Fox - Teach effectiveness increased by 10%

Beastkin Tanuki - Combat Encounter drop rate +20%

Centaur - Increased carrying capacity.

Dark Elf - Immune to Spiritual attacks [From previous mod idea]

Demon - Temporarily gives sexual partners the effect of the pervert trait.

Dragonkin - Keeps any gold from being stolen during Home Invasions [From previous mod idea]

Dryad - Garden Cleanliness degradation is slowed if assigned as Gardener. [From previous mod idea]

Elf - Can act as a Royal advocate in any of the cities. [From previous mod idea]

Fairy - Takes further reduces time to enchant weapons and armor as the Enchanter Assistant. [From current mod idea]

Gnome - Takes less time to craft weapons and armor at the forge. [From current mod idea]

Goblin - No Mental degradation from Fucktoy assignment.

Harpy - +2 Speed in combat

Human - Prostitution assignment is 10% more effective (+10% gold)

Lamia - Egg laying is more effective. (+10% eggs)

Nereid - No penalties for same-sex interactions.

Orc - Lumberer assignment is 10% more effective. (+10% gold)

Scylla - Exotic Whore assignment is 10% more effective (+10% more gold), dominance will increase, and it does not effect virginity.

Seraph - Receives +1 Maf if a virgin and another +1 if lewdness is under 50.

Slime - No negative effects from Research Subject task.

Taurus - Offspring are born with higher stats.

Tribal Elf - +10% Hunting and Foraging.

Thank you very much! I was able to google Json editor and find a suitable site in seconds. Thank you again!

(2 edits)

So since I started playing I have been able to use the following save editor ( to modify slave stats like grade, height, beauty, and even traits to some extent, but now it seems that this tool cannot handle even a fresh save file for more than a second or two without freezing. 

I know there are in-game methods for changing things like the grade and height of a slave, but I found it to be a general pain sometimes with the magic toxicity of potions or the wait time. I also didn't like the fact that that my favorite slaves with favor traits  are considered by the game to be unalterably fugly outside of temporal beauty pots and kimono.

 It may be an impertinent question, but does anyone know of an alternative program, site, or tool that would help reasonably view/edit the save files? I know it can be opened in notepad++, but I can't discern a thing in that jumbled mess like that and don't know if it can be edited.

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So ... I don't know how much of this is already available in other mods as I am kinda new, but here are a few idea I had when playing the game. Some of these are probably next to impossible, but if anyone wants a herculean task here they are. I played the game slavemaker and so some of these ideas are from that game.

  • Functional Brothel - The mod lets you sell slaves directly to the brothel madam, and pay for the services of the girls that you sell in order to generate mana.
  • Jailer's Room - Adds a jail upgrade that give the jailer a private room in the jail, so that they don't affect vanilla mansion capacity.
  • Alchemy Attendant - Assigning a slave generates Basic Solution and/or Magic Essene and/or a potion everyday. Job improves with Magic and Wit.
  • Gardens Mansion Upgrade /Gardener - You now need to unlock the Gardens as a mansion upgrade. Once unlocked they need to be maintained by a slave assigned to the gardener job or suffer up to a 50% penalty to cleanliness. Job improves with Agility and Endurance.
  • Spirit's Curse Event / Shrine Mansion Upgrade / Shrine Maiden job - Adds in a chance of an end of the day event where a spirit curses one of your slaves depleting their stamina or a bit of health for the day. To counter this event you need to purchase a spirit shrine mansion upgrade and assign a virgin slave with <50 lewdness to the shrine maiden job. Job improves with Magic and Confidence.
  • Home Invasion Event /Barracks Mansion Upgrade /Guards Job - Adds in a chance of an end of the day event where an home invasion can occur and could result in your stuff being stole or the raping/kidnapping of your slaves with a quest to get them/your stuff back. To counter this event you can assign guards to either night/day shift (I was thinking max of 2 per shift), and because a lot of people don't have/want to allocate 4 beds to guards there is a mansion upgrade to add the barracks where your guards can sleep and not affect vanilla mansion capacity. Job improves with Strength, Endurance, Courage, & Confidence.
  • Royal Audit Event /Royal Advocate Job - Adds in a chance of an beginning of the day event where some corrupt royal auditors of your city (Wimborn /Frostford /Gorn) come to *ensure* you are pay the proper taxes. In each case the auditors will want more resources, lower your mansion's cleanliness, and consume your day. Each city will demand something different:  In Wimborn they demand gold, In Frostford they demand more food. In Gorn they demand more food and gold. To counter this event you assign a noble grade native slave (meaning Humans in Wimborn, Any Beastkin in Forstford, and Orcs in Gorn) to the job Royal Advocate. Job Improves with Charm, Wit, & Confidence.
  • Wimborn Sewers - A new sewer area accessible via Wimborn with very low level monsters (Rats, Mud Monsters, Etc.) where players can easily start gaining exp. and items.
  • Frostford Adventure's Guild - an adventure's guild located in Frostford that give random radiant quests (i.e. fetch/kill quests) for the player to fulfill and get money and reputation in Frostford. Could add new Snowy Mountains and Cave areas around Frostford for more content. 
  • Gorn Arena - a Gladiatorial arena in the city of gorn where the player or his slaves can fight one on one (with no magic cause healing is OP) against the toughest bandit NPCs that can be generated. There should also be a way to sell bandit slaves for money and reputation in gorn.
  • Amberguard Enchanter - adds an enchanter to amberguard who you can pay to custom enchant any equipable item for a price and a wait time.

I also thought that there should be a story mod would makes the vanilla end of the game into a late/mid-game arch where it turns out that hades was actually being possessed by a demon lord (cause weird magic purple eyes) who is hiding in the dragon's nests (The demon lord is the alien monster). This would also allow those who let hade go and didn't sacrifice a slave to pick up Melissa. It could also allow the player to go back to the gorn mountains and enslave Garthor if he was spared the first time.